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About Us


University of California Cooperative Extension forestry provides research-based solutions to natural resource related problems through applied research, publications, meetings, conferences, workshops, demonstrations, field days, video programs, newsletters, and facilitation.

We are a network campus and county based academics charged with extending university resources and information to local communities and at the same time, communicating the needs of local communities for forest research and outreach back to University of California researchers and administration. 

County-based academics called "advisors" are located in forested communities and focus on delivering science based programs to serve local needs. Forestry Specialists are attached to a campus in most cases.  See the CE Forestry Advisors and Specialists list to find a CE Advisor near you or to identify a Forestry CE Specialist.

Campus based academics including university faculty and extension specialists are located on the University of California Berkeley and Davis campuses. 

The UC Forestry Workgroup  includes many other faculty and staff who have an interest in forest education and outreach.

Ask an Expert your forestry question by filling out the Ask an Expert survey. The question will be fielded to the network of University of California county and campus based academics for an email response.

Join us on our Facebook Page to stay current with all of our projects and interact with the University of California Cooperative Extension forestry community.