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News about UC Agriculture and Natural Resources
by Rafael Merf Solorio
on June 25, 2019 at 5:51 PM
Great job Jeff!!  
It's been an experience working with you in this trial. I have seen the soil evolve and it's impressive to say the least.  
Keep up the hard work Dr. Mitchell.
by Leslie Muennemann
on June 26, 2019 at 12:55 PM
Four UC San Mateo/San Francisco Master Gardeners just attended a two-day Cover Crop and Soil Health Intensive at the Center of Regenerative Agriculture at Chico State and are so inspired. Even though the audience was mostly farmers, we intend to apply what we learned to the home garden. No till, cover crops, diversity, diversity, diversity (including grasses) keeping the ground covered at all times, starts and maintains the regenerative, self sustaining cycle -- the holy grail -- leading to bigger, healthier harvests with only the addition of biologically-rich compost. As many of us eventually learn in other parts of our lives: Mother Nature knows what she is doing! She was doing great for millions of years til we came along and thought we knew better. Young farmers shared how some are planting cover crops in their orchards and enduring ridicule from conventional farmers.
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